andhra pradesh bajra napier ( apbn ) perinneal fodder

andhra pradesh bajra napier ( apbn ) perinneal fodder

     andhra pradesh bajra napier,  ( apbn )

apbn fodder 

apbn fodder slip showing

                   andhra pradesh bajra napier , is the hybrid perinneal fodder verity, hybrid between bajra and napier- this apbn  fodder  having less oxalates and more nutrients

   land condition,

                           heavy soils with high nutritive values like black soils are suitable
                           these fodder also tollerate mild saliny and also red soil
                           can't with stand the water stagnating conditions


                          seeds are very small. use only for breeding purpose
                          for production of fodder two budded slips are use to cultivate
                         one bud must be in soil,remainig one must be
                         in air.keep the clips in 45 degree bend.
                        dont keep the slips in reverse in soil. other wise delay in germination take place
                        showing time, showing can be done from june to august,
                         in winter conditions growing may delay
    space between the two rows 100cms,  plant to plant 30 cms
                         total 20000slips require for one hector

 fertilizers ,

                        150 -200 quintol of organic mannure at time  of cultivation
                        60 kgs phosporus
                        25 kgs  pottasium
                        40 kgs  nitrogen

inter cropping

                       once  a two years inter cropping with legumes will enhance the nutritve value of soil


                       weekly twice in summer, once in winter
                       avoid watter logging conditions


                       first cutting at 70 -80 days ( 5 feets hight)
                       nest cutting every 45 to 50 days

                      every year 180 - 200 tonnes of green fodder production from one hector
                      every three years remove the clum to 3/4th , keep 1/4th for eliminate the dead tissue
                      this perineal fodder will grow upto 6-7 years

                            these apbn verity fodders are rich source of cp 8% and also having less oxalates
                            enhance the milk yeild in cattle and buffalo